I am not making the New Year’s recap, or the resolutions for the new year. But I have some goals that appeared in 2013 and which I will achieve now (I know I will succeed!). And although it was different in the past year, I can say one thing with joy on my lips: I am happy 🙂 And let these 5 ways of a happy life be my wishes for you, because I believe that they will also help you find happiness 🙂

Creative creativity

Creativity diversifies our lives and gives us double happiness when we create and when we enjoy out of what we did. Although I am my best at DIY techniques, it can be found in various areas of life.


I have written to you more than once that order at home reflects order in my life. A clean environment affects my health and state of mind, and that translates positively into the rest of my life.

Discovering the child in you

You know that only now „children’s“ entertainment is enjoyed me really? I play board games, watch cartoons (Moomins rule!), The level of endorphins is rising, and I feel that I will not get old so quickly 😉


Blogging is happiness and makes life better. The year 2013 will be associated primarily with blogging, because although it may sound lofty, starting a blog made my life better. And it wouldn’t be like that without you! Therefore, with all my heart, thank you for being with me:)

A lot of love

To others, to ourselves, to the world, because love gives us the greatest joy in life. Therefore, do not hesitate to love others and be happy that you meet wonderful people on your way. Realizing that I have found in this busy world some wonderful people makes me very happy.

I wish you good luck in the New Year and I hope you will share yours with me ways to a better life 🙂

Hear you tomorrow!