DIY herbal labels in 5 minutes – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

One of my spring plans was a balcony garden and an attempt to grow my own herbs. This week we have finally planted them and are waiting for the first signs of a new life. And so that we would not get confused, I made quick and very simple labels from wine corks. To prepare…

How to read the markings on the tags – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Washing and drying the clothes in the manner intended for this is the key to their longevity. If you want your blouses, dresses, skirts to be beautiful as long as possible, wash them according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. You will usually find them on labels. How to read the labels on clothes? Deciphering the markings…

4 ways of folding bedding – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Hello on Saturday morning 🙂 Today I have prepared four ways of folding bedding. I hope that each of you will find something for themselves and beautifully folded sheets will appear on your shelves. The first way is to hide the duvet cover, pillowcase and sheets (if you wish) to the center of the pillowcase.…

Organizing a drawer at the desk – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Hi! The drawer at my desk is the one I use most often: when I create, note down, organize, which made it a terrible mess for a long time. I was very angry that moments after tidying up everything was mixed up by constantly taking out its contents. And there is only one solution to…

And now – order in the house, order in the life at Home

Von phpfreak

So I come back to you 🙂 The last weeks, actually months, I was living my wedding preparations. A few things piled up, the unforeseen appeared, and because we wanted to prepare everything ourselves, I felt as if someone took 10 hours from each day. And I know it was worth it, because last weekend…

Kaffeebecherhalter für 8€ mach den verzehr einfacher

Von phpfreak

Es scheint, als ob die größten Hacks des Lebens immer für extrem spezifische Dinge sind, an die wir nicht unbedingt alleine denken würden, die wir aber jeden Tag unbedingt verwenden würden. Zum Beispiel gibt es erweiterbare Kleiderständer, die sich hervorragend für die Wäsche eignen, Würfelsets, die sich perfekt für die Zubereitung von Speisen eignen, und…

Time for small, big changes. – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

I have a few things to share with you, because there are big and small changes 🙂 FIRSTLY: REMOVAL We are changing our existing flat to a new one, but not ours yet. It turned out that we got a little attached to the current place and the decision to move out was not so…

How to organize wrapping papers – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Hi! Today I want to show you how I store various papers, especially those for wrapping gifts. For a long time I kept them in a container that was not hidden anywhere. This irritated me because it was not a very attractive decoration for the room. I wanted to hide them, but also have them…

So erstellen Sie ein authentisches Zuhause

Von phpfreak

Einen authentischen Stil zu kreieren, inspiriert von Ihnen und den Dingen, die Sie lieben, muss keine entmutigende Erfahrung sein. Es ist eine Reise der Selbstentdeckung und des Selbstausdrucks, die selbst für Kreative Spaß machen kann. Hier sind ein paar Ideen, die Ihnen auf dem Weg zu Ihrem Stil helfen: Denken Sie an schöne Orte, die…

Organization of postcards – part 1 – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

I am a postcard lover, which you could already see during the Holiday Postcard campaign. I love sending them and I love receiving them. In addition, I buy them almost in every new place I am. But only one at a time! 🙂 During these several years, a fairly large collection has accumulated, and storing…

Süße Flucht: Ein schottisches Schloss

Von phpfreak

Ackergill Tower Castle, ein schottisches Schloss aus dem 15. Jahrhundert. Exklusiv für ein kleines Vermögen zu mieten. Meine süße Flucht. In meinen königlichen Träumen. Schönes Wochenende! Was hast du vor? Ackergill Tower Castle In Erinnerung an eine echte Prinzessin, die geliebte Prinzessin Diana. Sue am 31. August 2007 um 3:41 Uhr Melde mich an;) Was…

30 crumbs of happiness – summary – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Yesterday, a beautiful number of 1000 likes appeared on Facebook and although the numbers are not important, it is any sign that you appreciate what I do , gives a huge kick. Thank you! I think it’s a good time to summarize our 30 crumbs of happiness, so please New readers probably don’t know what’s…

DIY: Simple and quick folding of pages – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

As part of spring cleaning and organization, you have to crack down on papers. Sorting documents or notes is essential, but keeping them together is equally important. We can hide them in folders, attach them to a binder or store folder. But recently my absolute favorite and favorite way to clip notes and store them…

DIY: Cosmetic bag out of the box – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Sometimes it happens that we have a thing that we consider to be trash. This was also the case with this box. I got them during desensitization after the vaccine was over and my first thought was „why should I carry the garbage home?“ But I brought it, I threw it in a drawer and…

Verkleinern Sie Ihr Zuhause mit Stil

Von phpfreak

Ich bin ein kleiner Hausmensch. Ich bin! Obwohl ich schon immer von Herrenhäusern und Schlössern der Alten Welt geträumt habe und ich derzeit in einem nicht ganz so kleinen Haus von 4300 Quadratmetern lebe, bin ich im Herzen immer noch ein kleiner Hausmensch. Ich mag es gemütlich und gemütlich wie ein Käfer. Ich liebe das…

Wählen Sie Taupe, leben Sie Ihr bestes Leben

Von phpfreak

Weißt du, ich habe letztes Wochenende über die erschütternde Erfahrung meiner Freundin Terri in einem Flugzeug gelesen. Ich bin so dankbar, dass sie lebt! Und dankbar für die Möglichkeit, nachzudenken. Nahtodbegegnungen werden das tun! Sie und ich teilen viele der gleichen Gedanken über die Dekoration unserer Häuser, und ich liebe ihre Besuche hier und genieße…