Time for small, big changes. – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

I have a few things to share with you, because there are big and small changes 🙂 FIRSTLY: REMOVAL We are changing our existing flat to a new one, but not ours yet. It turned out that we got a little attached to the current place and the decision to move out was not so…

Das Dufthaus – Teilnahme erforderlich!

Von phpfreak

Kastanien, die auf offenem Feuer geröstet werden. Jack Frost knabbert an deiner Nase… Der Duft der Feiertage ist definitiv hier in der Luft! Dekorationen kommen heraus, Kerzen brennen und Gedanken kehren zurück ins Haus! Für diejenigen unter Ihnen, die sich fragen oder vergessen haben, warum ich bereits zu Weihnachten dekoriere (keine Sorge, Winston fragt sich…

30 crumbs of happiness – summary – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Yesterday, a beautiful number of 1000 likes appeared on Facebook and although the numbers are not important, it is any sign that you appreciate what I do , gives a huge kick. Thank you! I think it’s a good time to summarize our 30 crumbs of happiness, so please New readers probably don’t know what’s…

Kaffeebecherhalter für 8€ mach den verzehr einfacher

Von phpfreak

Es scheint, als ob die größten Hacks des Lebens immer für extrem spezifische Dinge sind, an die wir nicht unbedingt alleine denken würden, die wir aber jeden Tag unbedingt verwenden würden. Zum Beispiel gibt es erweiterbare Kleiderständer, die sich hervorragend für die Wäsche eignen, Würfelsets, die sich perfekt für die Zubereitung von Speisen eignen, und…

Die richtige Berührung

Von phpfreak

Wie sich einige von euch erinnern werden (vor dem kleinen Zwischenspiel meiner sentimentalen Reise in die Vergangenheit, als meine Tochter zum College ging, der Küchenumbauposten und diesen süßen Kuchen Winston vorstellen!) haben wir darüber gesprochen, wie wichtig es ist, die fünf Sinne in Ihr Zuhause zu integrieren. Ohne das richtige Gleichgewicht aller Sinne fühlt sich…

How to iron without an ironing board – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Hi! As I wrote to you in the post about efficient ironing, I don’t have an ironing board. And today I wanted to show you how to manage without a board. In fact, a thick, large towel or blanket is enough. Where we put it depends only on us. The base can be a table,…

Scented sachets for shoes in 2 minutes – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

I can’t help but like it when it’s nice it smells around me. And lately, I am constantly looking for ways to reduce the time of taking care of the house to a minimum. Thanks to this, I replaced my existing scented sachets for shoes with those in 2 minutes! We need: Express tea bags…

4 ways of folding bedding – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Hello on Saturday morning 🙂 Today I have prepared four ways of folding bedding. I hope that each of you will find something for themselves and beautifully folded sheets will appear on your shelves. The first way is to hide the duvet cover, pillowcase and sheets (if you wish) to the center of the pillowcase.…

DIY: Cosmetic bag out of the box – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Sometimes it happens that we have a thing that we consider to be trash. This was also the case with this box. I got them during desensitization after the vaccine was over and my first thought was „why should I carry the garbage home?“ But I brought it, I threw it in a drawer and…

How to read the markings on the tags – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Washing and drying the clothes in the manner intended for this is the key to their longevity. If you want your blouses, dresses, skirts to be beautiful as long as possible, wash them according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. You will usually find them on labels. How to read the labels on clothes? Deciphering the markings…