How to read the markings on the tags – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Washing and drying the clothes in the manner intended for this is the key to their longevity. If you want your blouses, dresses, skirts to be beautiful as long as possible, wash them according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. You will usually find them on labels. How to read the labels on clothes? Deciphering the markings…

DIY: Simple and quick folding of pages – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

As part of spring cleaning and organization, you have to crack down on papers. Sorting documents or notes is essential, but keeping them together is equally important. We can hide them in folders, attach them to a binder or store folder. But recently my absolute favorite and favorite way to clip notes and store them…

The perfect cover for the calendar – The Home Blog

Von Admin

Who among us has not been looking for the perfect calendar? And if the middle suits us, the cover is not like that. This is how my adventure with scrapbooking began – with the decision to decorate the cover and looking for tips on the Internet. Now preparing the cover is my little “New Year’s…

How to iron without an ironing board – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Hi! As I wrote to you in the post about efficient ironing, I don’t have an ironing board. And today I wanted to show you how to manage without a board. In fact, a thick, large towel or blanket is enough. Where we put it depends only on us. The base can be a table,…

DIY herbal labels in 5 minutes – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

One of my spring plans was a balcony garden and an attempt to grow my own herbs. This week we have finally planted them and are waiting for the first signs of a new life. And so that we would not get confused, I made quick and very simple labels from wine corks. To prepare…

And now – order in the house, order in the life at Home

Von phpfreak

So I come back to you 🙂 The last weeks, actually months, I was living my wedding preparations. A few things piled up, the unforeseen appeared, and because we wanted to prepare everything ourselves, I felt as if someone took 10 hours from each day. And I know it was worth it, because last weekend…

Time for small, big changes. – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

I have a few things to share with you, because there are big and small changes 🙂 FIRSTLY: REMOVAL We are changing our existing flat to a new one, but not ours yet. It turned out that we got a little attached to the current place and the decision to move out was not so…

DIY Typographic posters in interiors – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Typography is one of those ways of interior decoration that I have always wanted to use at home. However, my hesitation as to whether these should be spatial letters or in the form of a poster / picture prevailed and I had nothing. Until I read 31 sentences that are worth saying in life. What…