4 gewerbliche Türschlösser zum Schutz Ihres Eigentums

Von Admin

[ad_1] IN ein fairer Schlosser, Unsere Techniker kennen sich mit allen Arten von Schlössern, Panikvorrichtungen und Alarmanlagen aus. Sicherheit und Schutz sind zu jeder Zeit unser Hauptanliegen. Dank 3 Generationen im professionellen Schlosserbereich verstehen wir die Feinheiten und Negative wie unsere Schuhe. Leider fehlt den meisten Menschen das Wissen https://duesseldorf.fair-schluesseldienst.berlin/schluesseldienst-kalkum über die vielen Sicherheitsfunktionen sowie…

4 ways of folding bedding – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Hello on Saturday morning 🙂 Today I have prepared four ways of folding bedding. I hope that each of you will find something for themselves and beautifully folded sheets will appear on your shelves. The first way is to hide the duvet cover, pillowcase and sheets (if you wish) to the center of the pillowcase.…

Rohrreinigung in Zürich – ein wichtiger Service für die Funktionsfähigkeit der Infrastruktur

Von Admin

Rohrreinigung in Zürich – ein wichtiger Service für die Funktionsfähigkeit der Infrastruktur Ob verstopfte Abflüsse, übelriechende Toiletten oder tröpfelnde Wasserhähne – mit der Zeit treten in vielen Haushalten und Unternehmen in Zürich verschiedene Probleme mit der Kanalisation auf. Eine fachgerechte Rohrreinigung ist dann der beste Weg, um die Funktionsfähigkeit der Sanitärinstallationen wiederherzustellen und größeren Schäden…

DIY Typographic posters in interiors – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Typography is one of those ways of interior decoration that I have always wanted to use at home. However, my hesitation as to whether these should be spatial letters or in the form of a poster / picture prevailed and I had nothing. Until I read 31 sentences that are worth saying in life. What…

30 crumbs of happiness – summary – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Yesterday, a beautiful number of 1000 likes appeared on Facebook and although the numbers are not important, it is any sign that you appreciate what I do , gives a huge kick. Thank you! I think it’s a good time to summarize our 30 crumbs of happiness, so please New readers probably don’t know what’s…

Time for small, big changes. – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

I have a few things to share with you, because there are big and small changes 🙂 FIRSTLY: REMOVAL We are changing our existing flat to a new one, but not ours yet. It turned out that we got a little attached to the current place and the decision to move out was not so…

16 ideas for creative guest books – The Home Blog

Von Admin

I hope you are recharged after the holiday weekend. I chose one in the offline version and I will tell you that sometimes it is good to get into such a rehab from the Internet 🙂 But today I come back with another dose of inspiration. This time I have a collection of ideas for…

DIY: Cosmetic bag out of the box – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Sometimes it happens that we have a thing that we consider to be trash. This was also the case with this box. I got them during desensitization after the vaccine was over and my first thought was „why should I carry the garbage home?“ But I brought it, I threw it in a drawer and…

Organization of postcards – part 1 – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

I am a postcard lover, which you could already see during the Holiday Postcard campaign. I love sending them and I love receiving them. In addition, I buy them almost in every new place I am. But only one at a time! 🙂 During these several years, a fairly large collection has accumulated, and storing…

Organizing a drawer at the desk – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Hi! The drawer at my desk is the one I use most often: when I create, note down, organize, which made it a terrible mess for a long time. I was very angry that moments after tidying up everything was mixed up by constantly taking out its contents. And there is only one solution to…

How to organize wrapping papers – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Hi! Today I want to show you how I store various papers, especially those for wrapping gifts. For a long time I kept them in a container that was not hidden anywhere. This irritated me because it was not a very attractive decoration for the room. I wanted to hide them, but also have them…

Decoupage: a souvenir box for a girl – The Home Blog

Von Admin

Hello guys! Today I am sharing with you my decoupage art. This is my first work of such a large size and a gift for little Marysia. At the weekend we were at the christening parties and the chest was part of the gift. My intention was to create a place for souvenirs from early…

And now – order in the house, order in the life at Home

Von phpfreak

So I come back to you 🙂 The last weeks, actually months, I was living my wedding preparations. A few things piled up, the unforeseen appeared, and because we wanted to prepare everything ourselves, I felt as if someone took 10 hours from each day. And I know it was worth it, because last weekend…