DIY Typographic posters in interiors – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Typography is one of those ways of interior decoration that I have always wanted to use at home. However, my hesitation as to whether these should be spatial letters or in the form of a poster / picture prevailed and I had nothing. Until I read 31 sentences that are worth saying in life. What…

16 ideas for creative guest books – The Home Blog

Von Admin

I hope you are recharged after the holiday weekend. I chose one in the offline version and I will tell you that sometimes it is good to get into such a rehab from the Internet 🙂 But today I come back with another dose of inspiration. This time I have a collection of ideas for…

And now – order in the house, order in the life at Home

Von phpfreak

So I come back to you 🙂 The last weeks, actually months, I was living my wedding preparations. A few things piled up, the unforeseen appeared, and because we wanted to prepare everything ourselves, I felt as if someone took 10 hours from each day. And I know it was worth it, because last weekend…

Decoupage: A tea maker step by step – The Home Blog

Von Admin

Good morning! Today the promised decoupage course. I know it’s been an awful long time, but the last few weeks are passing by so quickly that I can’t believe it’s September already! I prepared the course by creating a tea maker that already looks beautiful in our kitchen. I hope that I will be able…

33 ideas for organizing space with washi tape – The Home Blog

Von Admin

My love for washi tape continues, and I enjoy using it to decorate almost anything I can get my hands on. Washi tapes are also great for organization. Thanks to them, we can easily give a unique character to ordinary objects and make our space more organized. I invite you for 33 ideas for a…

Time for small, big changes. – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

I have a few things to share with you, because there are big and small changes 🙂 FIRSTLY: REMOVAL We are changing our existing flat to a new one, but not ours yet. It turned out that we got a little attached to the current place and the decision to move out was not so…

Organizing a drawer at the desk – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Hi! The drawer at my desk is the one I use most often: when I create, note down, organize, which made it a terrible mess for a long time. I was very angry that moments after tidying up everything was mixed up by constantly taking out its contents. And there is only one solution to…

How to iron without an ironing board – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

Hi! As I wrote to you in the post about efficient ironing, I don’t have an ironing board. And today I wanted to show you how to manage without a board. In fact, a thick, large towel or blanket is enough. Where we put it depends only on us. The base can be a table,…

Scented sachets for shoes in 2 minutes – The Home Blog

Von phpfreak

I can’t help but like it when it’s nice it smells around me. And lately, I am constantly looking for ways to reduce the time of taking care of the house to a minimum. Thanks to this, I replaced my existing scented sachets for shoes with those in 2 minutes! We need: Express tea bags…